It has been generally said since Saussure's(1933) claim that there is an arbitrary relation between linguistic form and meaning. However, there are significant examples across the languages that show the relation is not completely arbitrary but iconic. The purpose of this paper is to show the iconic relationships between form and meaning in language and to examine the origin and development of the theory of iconicity Haiman(1980, 1983) distinguishes two kinds of diagrammatic iconicity: isomorphism and motivation. The former means a bi-unique correspondence exists between form and meaning, while the latter holds that the structure of language directly reflects some aspects of the structure of reality. Given this dichotomy, we can find several principles of iconicity such as quantity, distance and sequencing principles. Each principle reflects word order, form and tense etc.
Iconicity is more explanatory than any other schema because it is based on human cognitive process. Language exhibits certainly both arbitrariness and iconicity. Therefore, it seems that various syntactic phenomena can be explained more explicitly when due attention is paid to the both sides of language.
3. 도상성의 개념과 본질
4. 도상성의 원리
4.1 양의 원리
4.2 거리의 원리
4.3 순서의 원리
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- 7The Iconicity of Grammar: Isomorphism and Motivation네이버 원문 이동
- 8Iconic and Economic Motivation네이버 원문 이동
- 91985. Iconicity in Syntax. Typological Studies in Language 6. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- 10Diagrams and metaphors: Iconic aspects of language네이버 원문 이동
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