


記紀哀傷挽歌硏究 - 紀114番歌의 「花」의 詩的 抒情을 중심으로 -


A Study on the elegy of 「kiki」

기기애상만가연구 - 기114번가의 「화」의 시적 서정을 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to the proclaimation of the Taika lightly̵funeral law in the 646 year, the magical ‘bin' ceremony that will return the dead to his life was prohibited to the peoples who are below the Imperial family. and, the understanding of the dead's revival was gradually losted. the new poetical sentiment was figured in this periodic background. beacause the burial of the dead is to cover it, the new metaphor that is in stead of the dead came into sight.
The new poetical sentiment in the ancient Japan was not to be appeared of itself but to be appeared under the influence of the ancient china. the number 114 song of the Nihonsyoki is to sing the new poetical sentiment that had not been then in the Japan.
Because the flowers fall, they bloom again in the next year. their life is forever. but if humen die, because they don't bloom again. their life is not forever. therefore, on the ground of this consciousness, they feel more the mutability of the dead.
This poetical sentiment is the new poetical sentiment that they feel on the ground of the confrontation of the nature and the human. through this poetical sentiment, the new elegy began to be song as the lyric poetry.


Ⅰ. 序 論
Ⅱ. 아내를 위한 哀傷挽歌
Ⅲ. 詩的 內面意識의 死意識
Ⅳ. 紀114番歌의 詩的 內面意識
Ⅴ. 結 論


  • 李相俊 이상준. 市立仁川專門大學 日本語科 助敎授. 日本古典文學 專攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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