

부사「寧ろ」와「いっそ」의 적절한 사용 법칙에 대해서 -『尾崎紅葉』의 작품을 통해서 -


A study on the Usage of Adverbs ;「mushiro」&「itso」

부사「영ろ」와「いっそ」의 적절한 사용 법칙에 대해서 -『미기홍엽』의 작품을 통해서 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In modern Japanese, the adverb, 'mushiro' and 'isso' are commonly used when you want to compare and choose between the former and the latter.
Generally speaking, 'mushiro' always seems to refer to the latter rather than the former after comparing the two, but it does not necessarily mean to deny the former.
On the contrary, 'isso', although it is similar to 'mushiro', has a nuance of choosing the extreme.
As mentioned above, 'mushiro' and 'isso' are regarded to be interchangeable.
However, there is no detailed study on the difference of nuance when each of the two adverb are used. This paper reflects the research on the usage and the meaning of the two adverbs through the works of 'Ozaki Koyo', a representative writer in the Meiji era.
In his works, 'mushiro' and 'isso' were used interchangeably when the verb, 'shinu'(die) was modified. But, 'isso' was used more often with the extreme words, such as 'shinu (die)' or 'korosu (kill)'. And, these were switched when used in front of or behind the hypothetical or conditional sentences. Although the adverb 'isso' carried the meaning of selection, it was used only when there was a reason or cause for the selection. And, it had a strong nuance of self-abandonment, carried the meaning of 'giving up', and was accompanied by the particles, 'tomo' and 'demo'.
The adverb, 'mushiro' was used when you emphasized and exaggerated the second one rather than the first one. And it was used together with the words that expressed self-willingness, such as 'omou', 'kangaeru', and 'oboeru'.


1. 머릿말
2. 부사「いっそ」와「むしろ」가 함께 사용되는 용법에 대해서
3. 부사「いっそ」만이 사용되는 용법에 대해서
4. 부사「むしろ」만이 사용되는 용법에 대해서
5. 맺음말


  • 정창호 Jung, chang-ho. 한국관광대학 교수, 일본어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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