


판소리와 說經節ㆍ淨瑠璃의 비교연구 - 문학사 展開樣相을 중심으로 -


A Comparative study of ‘Pansori(판소리)’ and ‘Setkyo-bushi(說經節)ㆍJoruri(淨瑠璃)’ - Focusing on the developing phases of their literary history -

판소리와 설경절ㆍ정류리의 비교연구 - 문학사 전개양상을 중심으로 -

요시오까 히로또



‘Pansori(판소리)’, ‘Setkyo-bushi(說經節)’ and ‘Joruri(淨瑠璃)’ were formed under the influense of religon and They have very similar performing method. I plan to compare ‘Pansori’, ‘Setkyo-bushi’ and ‘Joruri’. The method of the study were to compare the developing phases of these three literary histories.
‘Setkyo-bushi’, which followed closely the Buddhist literary style, has mostly disappeared. But ‘Joruri’ continued to develope assimilating the best characteristics of ‘Setkyo-bushi’. Many ‘Joruri’ works were also made and ‘Joruri’ followed its own artistic development. SinJachya(申在孝) rearranged twelve Pansori-madangs into six Pansori-madangs. after that, the Pansori world didnt have a special writer or new work until 1945 and ‘Pansori’ had been developing independently. It advanced to the theater stage in the early twentieth century. The development in Korea was different from ‘Joruri’ in Japan. why was there such a difference? I think that this is due to Pansori's unique characteristics as listed below:
① ‘Pansori’ has a peculiar characteristic that we call ‘opennes(開放性)’
② Pansori's audience may request a part of the work which the singer had not planned to perform.
③ Pansori's singers took a long time to complete a work.
④ Pansori artists feel ‘deep regret(恨)’.
⑤ The focus of ‘Pansori’ is the song itself.

Because ‘Pansori’ has these characteristics, Pansori's audience didnt desire new work. these characteristics were different from ‘Joruri’ in Japan. It is of interest to compare ‘Pansori’, ‘Setkyo-bushi’ and ‘Joruri’. Pansori vocal music has highly developed characteristics, more so than ‘Setkyo-bushi’ or ‘Joruri’.
Koreans like music and have much ‘deep regret’ so ‘Pansori’ supports Korean life.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 說經節ㆍ淨瑠璃와 판소리의 起源과 形成過程
Ⅲ. 說經節ㆍ淨瑠璃와 판소리의 內容의 特徵
Ⅳ. 판소리와 說經節ㆍ淨瑠璃의 비교의 모색
Ⅴ. 結論에 대신하여


  • 요시오까 히로또 Yoshioka, Hiro-to. 長安大學 관광일어 통역과 강의전담 전임강사, 比較文學(韓日古典文學) 專攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1『일본연극사』(상), 도서출판 청우, 2001.
  • 2「人間 申在孝의 再照明」,『판소리의 지평』,新亞, 1990.
  • 3판소리의 정서와 미학 , 역사비평사, 1996.
  • 4마생기차 외 3명, "日本文學槪論", 敎學硏究社, 1980
  • 5『판소리사설연구』, 형설출판사,1984.
  • 6「판소리의 開放性」.『한국소설연구』, 二友出版社,1988.
  • 7「신재효와 판소리」,『판소리의 지평』,新亞, 1990.
  • 8『한국문헌학연구』. 亞細亞文化社, 1989.
  • 9,『판소리와 판소리계 소설 연구』, 민속원, 1997.
  • 10한국문학 이해의 길잡이 , 집문당, 1996.

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