


中國 소수민족 탈(假面)의 宗敎的 意味와 機能


Religious Function and Singnificance of the Religious Mask of China's Minority Nationalities

중국 소수민족 탈(가면)의 종교적 의미와 기능


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Most of the Masks of China's minority nationalities have close and intricate relationship with religion and sacrificial ceremony. Since the primitive society, "the Mask" has been considering as the "magic utensil" or "sacrificial utensil"that can facilitate the flow of communication between the human world and the ultra—nature world. All the cultures of the China's Mask relate to the religious activities by the religious professionals.
From the points of view by primitive man and the Mask believer, the Mask is a kind of human soul transportation tool instead of a kind of special makeup skill. Because the Mask can carry human soul to the nether world. The Mask itself is the "sacred utensil"which cannot be touched casually. It is a sort of religious consciousness coagulum. Among various primitive masked god statues, there have been ancestral gods, personalized nature gods, ethnic tribal heroes and killed enemies. Because of these, the Mask has holly and sacred nature. Primitive religion has entrusted the Mask a certain holly significance. The Mask surely has an invincible force. It becomes the Protection God that can protect people from the evil spirit.
The Mask history of China's minority nationalities is almost as longer as China's culture. It is not only a mirror of human nature but also a mirror of human society. It has reflected different quarters of Chinese and their belief. From this aspect, the Mask of China's minority nationalities is just the symbol of Chinese culture.


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 탈의 개념과 범위
Ⅲ. 儺와 탈 - 기원과 변화발전
Ⅳ. 탈과 巫문화
Ⅴ. 탈에 나타난 종교적 상징성
Ⅵ. 결 론


  • 洪熹 홍희. 대진대학교 중국학과, 조교수, 중국민속학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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