


성주풀이의 창조신화적 성격 연구


A Study on the Seongju-puri as Creation Myth


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The ritual of seongju-puri is believed very important by shaman and folk. So in Korea when people construct a house or move house, the ritual of seongju-puri has been practiced by shaman. Nowadays the god Seongju is believed family god.
This study is aimed at illuminate the myth Seongju-puri as creation myth. The story of Seongju-puri is as follows: God Seongju was ordered to construct a grand house for the heavenly king. So he made his farewells to his wife. On the way he met a man named Sojinmyng. Sojinmyng proposed to exchange gamment each other and Seongju agreed with him. When Seongju constructed a house he had a eerie dream. So he decided to return home. During his staying away Sojinmyng intrigued aginst Seongju. Sojinmyng wanted Seongju's wife but she evaded it with wisdom. On arrivng home he was furious. Seongju made him Jangsing(divine pole) and his family seonang.(divine tree at shrine) Later he he finished constructing the house. At the result he became a god-carpenter.
On analysing the tale, Seongju is characterized by a carpenter. He constructed a magnificent house by using the way of yin-yany. He founded the cornerstones with the movement of five elements. The roof of the house was firmament and was built by way of tai-chi. The window was the sun and the moon etc.
Nowadays the ritual of Seogju-puri is practiced for wellbeing on moving house or constructing house individually. It implies the fact that whenever people construct a house or moving house, they imitate the cosmogonic act of creation god unconsciously. I guess people have thought the house a micro-cosmos, so people repeat the cosmogonic act unconsciously.


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 작품분석
Ⅲ. 창조신으로서의 성주신
Ⅳ. 성주신의 家宅神으로의 변모 의미
Ⅴ. 결 론


  • 金蘭珠 김란주. 檀國大學校, 韓國古典文學 專攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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