


북한 구전설화 연구 - 탈북자들의 구술자료를 중심으로 -


A Study on Oral Folk Tales of North Korea - Focusing on the Recorded Materials from North Korean Defectors -


피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since spring 2002, the author has met the recent defectors from North Korea to investigate the North Korean oral folk tales. The ten North Korean defectors whom the author met confided to him over 100 pieces of folk tale and folk-tale-related information. Collecting these data was a pleasurable experience as the doubts and ambiguities concerning North Korean oral literature were cleared one by one. The project was worthwhile as the reality of North Korean oral tradition, though partially, could be reported before research has been done in any journals, in an independent volume, or in any broadcasting program.

Questionwise the whole content could be summarized as follows:
(1) Are there any folk tales in North Korea?: The interviews with North Korean defectors show that there are. For instance, the interviewee who grew up at the town of General Eung-seo Kim dictated some related stories and other town-based legends that he had heard in his childhood. Other interviewees also dictated stories that are hard to be found in the existing North Korean folk tale anthology.
(2) In what form do the folk tales exist?: North Korean folk tales were viewed as existing in four types. That is: ① traditional oral transmission ② published but changed tales ③ modernized humor ④ tales adapted for fairy tales and digital media. First of all, traditional oral transmission refers to the folk tales that have been narrated since the Partition of the Korean Peninsula. Second, published but changed tales are those created intentionally for a certain ideological purpose after the successful idolization of Chairman Kim. Third, modernized humor refers to those humorous stories floating over the general population just like those in South Korea. In the author's opinion, this is the type in which the oral tales are most widely distributed and galvanized in the North Korean society. Tales in this category include humor castigating the unjust top officials, humor satirizing the corrupted military, humor that surreptitiously expresses the author's discontentment toward the mainstream ideology, and the sexual innuendoes, which only show that the North Koreans have the same sexual tension in their lives as ours. From these types of humor one can infer that the North Koreans live with a due sense of judgment toward the contradiction or corruption of their political system and thus that they are only human just like one of us with the same instincts, desires and sense of humor. In addition, there are also humorous stories using puns.
Lastly, tales adapted for fairy tales and digital media refer to those stories that are not original but re-created based on traditional folk tales or classical literature. The interviewees dictated these tales recalling their experience of reading the fairy tales and comics or watching the movies, TV shows or animation.
(3) How are the oral folk tales being transmitted in North Korea?: First, such tales as traditional folk tales, modern humor, fairy tale/digital media tales are transmitted in the private sector in such relationships as family or friends. Then, the changed tales are narrated only in public, never among the private relationships.
(4) Why are the folk tale publications lacking between 1965 and 1985?: This is the question that the author has brooded on as he searched for the data focusing on the materials housed in the North Korean Materials Library. According to the interviewees, the North Korean authority collected and burnt every volume, especially the translations of the classics and foreign books.
This research could be differentiated from the existing literature reviews in that it is based on the testimony of the defectors who grew up and lived in North Korea. The existing researches are, however, based on notes or recollections of what the researchers heard, not the transcripts of the tape-recorded utterances of the interviewees, so the tales adapted and abridged at random are anywhere but some distance from the original content. The direct transcription method adopted in this research is thus believed to be a step forward in this matter.


Ⅰ. 머리말
  1. 북한에도 구전설화가 존재하는가?
  2. 북한의 구전설화는 어떤 형태로 존재하는가?
  3. 북한에서 구전설화는 어떻게 전승되고 있는가?
  4. 북한에서 1965년에서 1985년까지 설화집 발간 실적이 없는 이유는 무엇인가?
Ⅱ. 북한의 구전설화에 대한 궁금증들
Ⅲ. 맺음말
 Ⅰ. 북한 구전설화 및 관련자료 목록
 Ⅱ. 임홍군씨 구술 북한 구전설화 관련자료


  • 李福揆 이복규. 서경대학교 국어국문학과, 교수, 한국고전문학 전공


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