This works is a exposition of Manchurian's documentary records and it's impressions. In this paper, I want to describe 3 points.
First; I want to interpretate of completeness about Puk-hae-jae-moon(北海祭文). May be, this working is first in this kinds of manchurian paper.
Second; I want to try correct and repair perfectly about Heul-bang- hae(吃螃蟹). And my working what to aim at perfection at least.
Third; In this Manchurian's documentary records, and their exposition, We must think their culture in Manchurian nations. And we had better describe about Manchurian's good culture.
Ⅰ. 序 言
Ⅱ. 北海祭文의 원문
Ⅲ. 北海祭文의 轉寫
Ⅳ. 北海祭文의 意譯
Ⅴ. 吃螃蟹 文獻의 內容에 대한 形式
Ⅵ. 吃螃蟹 解析에 대한 辭典的 考
Ⅶ. 結 語
Ⅱ. 北海祭文의 원문
Ⅲ. 北海祭文의 轉寫
Ⅳ. 北海祭文의 意譯
Ⅴ. 吃螃蟹 文獻의 內容에 대한 形式
Ⅵ. 吃螃蟹 解析에 대한 辭典的 考
Ⅶ. 結 語
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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