In this paper, I put some thought into "The notion with the removed soul". I focus on and deal especially with the no.147 and the no.148 verses in the Volume2. This two verses concern about the ceremonial to restore the emperor Tenchi-Tenno's soul removing from his body.
In this paper, I have considered a concern about that verses and soul-inviting ceremonial performing in the ancient Japan, and have come to the following conclusion. In conclusion, we can discriminate between the no.147 confident that getting a view of the soul with acknowledging tradition to put in a poetry of congratulatory and the no.148 only getting a view of the soul but articulating about distress to never meeting.
This paper propounds documentation to the consideration for the notion with the removed soul from the standpoints of the enquiry of a Myriad Leaves. I ambitious that many members in this academic conference will set out like the case examples from some of the areas at Southeast Asia, and carry these investigation forward.
Ⅱ. 유리혼(遊離魂)을 신체로 되돌리는 민간요법
Ⅲ. ‘타다아히(タダアヒ)’와 ‘타마아히(タマアヒ)’
Ⅳ. 노래와 의례와의 거리
Ⅴ. 상정되는 의례와 그 장소(場)
Ⅵ. 의례와 노래와의 굴절된 관계
Ⅶ. 맺음말
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