


金鰲新話에 나타난 鬼神의 媒介役割과 作中人物의 別世界 指向


The Ghost's role as intermediator and inclination for another world in the 『Gum-o-shin-hwa』

금오신화에 나타난 귀신의 매개역할과 작중인물의 별세계 지향


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is object to inquire into the ghost's role as intermediator and inclination toward another world in the 『Gum-o-shin-hwa』.
The ghost in the 『Gum-o-shin-hwa』 was perceived from the resemblance of the character's role in myths and another world tales. These characters had carried the culture from another world to this world through association, and they also gave the chance for the solitary and miserable human being in this world to experience another world. Eventually, we could see the character's role as an intermediator and savior to lead the human being toward another world.
This kind of modality from 『Gum-o-shin-hwa』 was originated from, Kim si-sup, his desire which wiped out the contradiction, absurdity and irrationality in this world and made a fair and rational world. Like this kind of petition can be traced from the ancients. Kim si-sup adopted this thought and created 『Gum-o-shin-hwa』. It could be presumed that he tried to free himself from his own unhappiness through the work.
Therefore, the ghost in the 『Gum-o-shin-hwa』 saved the solitary and unhappy human being from the reality and did a intermediator's role for them to turn another world.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 鬼神과 世界設定의 樣相
Ⅲ. 鬼神의 媒介役割과 別世界 指向
Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 李學周 이학주. 江原大學校 人文科學硏究所 專任硏究員. 韓國古典文學․比較文學 專攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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