

소규모사업장에서의 근로자 위장질환 관리 프로그램의 효과


Effects of the Program for Correction of Eating Habits to Prevent Digestive Disorders of Workers in Small Workplace

최정명, 김춘미, 현혜진, 윤순녕

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study, as a project for health management at small workplace by Korean association of occupational health nurse, was to evaluate the program for correction of eating habits to prevent digestive disorders of workers. The study cases were twenty nine workers who voluntarily participated in the above program and they were from small(under fifty employees) workplace at Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul. The study was done between January, 2000 and May, 2000. This program was concerned with daily menu for correction of eating habits and was composed of individual health education and distributing guide books and video. Nurses visited the workplace for the program once a week or two weeks. The result of this program was evaluated by paired t-test of digestive symptoms, eating habits, and self-efficacy before and after the fulfillment of the program. The result could be summarized as below. 1) There were decrease in digestive symptoms and improvement in eating habits and self-efficacy from study cases after fulfillment of the program. 2) The most common digestive symptoms were heartburn, upper abdominal pain, indigestion. The symptom which had been improved through the program were indigestion, heartburn and anorexia in the order. 3) The most improved eating habit was to eat flat foods instead of salty and spicy foods. The most improved self-efficacy was 'I can follow any helpful guides for my health'. The result indicated the program was successful for workers at small workplace. The continual management by nurses' regular visit once a week or two weeks was the most important thing for the successful program.


  • 최정명
  • 김춘미
  • 현혜진
  • 윤순녕


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