


서사를 활용한 도덕 교육 방법 : 영화 '천국의 아이들'의 활용


A Study on the Use of Narrative in Moral Education : The use of the movie 'Children of Heaven'


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Historically, stories or narrative are a useful tool to teach morality. The use of narrative is still important in almost all forms of education and moral education. Basically, stories tell students how to behavior according to the consequences of acting morally, which they contain. Telling one's personal stories and listening to the stories of others are a powerful way to promote caring among community members. Narrative also can stimulate students' imagination in envisioning a better world for themselves and the community. The purpose of this project is to present three approaches to moral education using narrative, and then to construct the Use of Narrative in moral education program model. The first approach is the content approach. In general, the content approach reflects a conservative orientation to moral education. In this approach, we use stories to teach traditional values. Another approach to moral storytelling is a process orientation. Value clarification and Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development are examples of this approach. These theories are called "process theories", because of their emphasis not on moral content but on the process an individual uses to develop a moral position. Process theorists' stories are more student-centered. The stories emphasized in the process approach are those told by the students about themselves as well as those told by the teacher. The third approach is called "reflection approach." These theorists focus on the creation of meaning in moral action and call into question standard moral practices. Reflection theorists challenge traditional forms of moral stories and storytelling and tell new stories that aim to transform society into something more moral. Each of the approaches to moral education through narrative has an important function and role in a solution to the problem at hand. Each approach is necessary, but not sufficient, for a producing desirable moral education program. So the approaches need to be combined in such a way that their merits can complement each other. We need more sophisticated and practical use programs according to teaching goals and students' levels, and need to make those programs work well in our moral education classrooms. In addition, we need to have narrative list or make approach for moral education, which are given tasks to develop moral education method more adequately.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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