


도덕ㆍ윤리교육 관련학과 논쟁과 정상적인 교과과정ㆍ교직과정의 탐색 - 윤리교육과와 철학과의 문제제기를 중심으로 -


Dedate about Related Department of Moral-Ethics Education and Making a Good Curriculum and Teacher Development Model - concentrate on Department of Education and Department of Philosophy -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The argument on the related departments of Moral-Ethics Education can be classified into two categories depending on whether they are good curriculum and teacher development model. So the purpose of this article is to make a good curriculum and teacher development model for the good Moral-Ethics Education. And differences among related departments are also discussed.
From the department of philosophy's standpoint, teaching ethical knowledge has been emphasized in Moral-Ethics Education curriculum. But teaching ethical․propositional knowledge cannot be the whole of Moral-Ethics Education. There are other aspects of education such as formation of character. Deparment of ethics education's approach deal with the problem of how to consider these aspects of education on curriculum. This approach may lessen the problem of exclusive emphasis on intelletual education. If we really want to practice good moral education in school, it is indispensable to put the viewpoint of intergrated character education into the Moral- Ethics Education curriculum. Also it is necessary for us to pursue the good moral․ethics teacher. The good teacher has a strong power developing character of children. This teacher has not only ethical knowledge but also various teaching methods and assessment techniques. If we really consider the teacher's capacity and role in Moral-Ethics Education, we need a good teacher developmet model for the special Moral-Ethics Education. To achieve this purpose, The department of philosophy's standpoint is not enough to make a teacher development model for the intergrative character. Fially, it is very important for us to make a good curriculum and teacher development model that can be learned by student. So the arguments suggested in this study can be suggested as follows. The department of philosophy does not have curriculum and teacher development model which have more appropriate content and effective teaching -learing activities.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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