Soseono was a very important and powerful person in Ancient Choson. She played a leading role in the formation of two kingdoms : Koguryo and Baekje. Yet the very existence of Soseono has neither drawn any attention from the academic circles nor have any researches been conducted by the historians. Most of her achievements in our history have remained hidden and unknown. This thesis aims at reevaluating her roles and achievements to make historical studies more true to history.
The primary source of Soseono first appears in the Baekje chapter of “SamgukSagi(History of Three Kingdoms)"(연도). According to the book, she married Wootae and had two sons by that marriage but Wootae died soon. After her husband's death, she had lived a widowed life until she met and remarried Jumong from Buyo. The most detailed information about Soseono is in “Chosun Sanggosa"(연도) written by Shin, Chaeho(pen-name Danje). "Hwandan Gogi"(연도) also gives a little information about Sosoeno. Judging from these records, Soseono was born around 55 B.C. and died in 6 A.D. The Juksokchong(stone tomb) in the northwest of Mt. Weerye Fortress Wall, the capital of early Baekje, is believed to be the tomb of Soseono, the mother of King Onjo of Baekje.
The legend “HwaninJonsol" tells Sosoeno was a powerful princess of Kyerubu tribe at Onyeosansung(Onyeo Mountain Fortress Wall) which had a matriarchy. From the childhood, she was educated and trained to be the leader of her tribe. She was energeticand martial. As a widow, sheruled her tribal territory successfully with her two sons. When she took Jumong as her second husband, he was in the politically and economically insignificant position. After remarriage, she helped Jumong found Koguyro in Hwanin area, offering him her vast territory and subjects. He helped him sit on the throne of Koguryo.
Some years later, Jumong deserted Soseono and took another spouse named Ye. At that, she voluntarily gave the sovereign power over Koguryo to Jumong and left Koguryo with her two sons by her previous marriage and her political followers. She migrated south via Nangnangsagun(four colonies of China) until they settled near the Han River of Korea Peninsula. She helped her two sons, Biryu and Onjo, establish Sipje and Baekje Kingdoms, respectively. Though the definite year is not known, it is believedsome offsprings of Biryu, the founder of Sipje, went into Japanese Isles and became the progenitor of some Japanese royal clans. The recent announcement of Japanese Emperor, “the Emperor Himself has inherited Korean blood from his maternal side" seems to prove the historical fact.
As has already been stated, the information about Soseono is limited to “SamgukSagi” and Shin, Chaeho's writings. We may assert the scarcity of the information about her owes to the deeply rooted male chauvinism of historians and scholars in this society based on the Confucianism. Accordingly, it is lifelong task for us to discover more historical records about Soseono and carry out the research. Unless we find out one of our greatest woman leader in our history and let the world know her, her brilliant achievements will be buried forever.
Ⅱ. 소서노는 어떤 여성인가?
Ⅲ. 소서노에 대한 기본 자료들
Ⅳ. 소서노 자료 유폐의 관습과 이유
Ⅴ. 결 론
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