


古代日本의 七夕歌硏究 - 『万葉集』 卷十의 七夕歌를 중심으로 -


A Study on the Tanabata of ancient Japan

고대일본의 칠석가연구 - 『만엽집』 권십의 칠석가를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There are 139 pieces of the tanabata poetry in the Manyosyu. In the tanabata poetry that the poet was known, The oldest poetry is the 8-1518~9 poetry that Yamauenookura composed. But, a tanabata poetry was composed in the kyengsin year. If it is sure that the year is 680 year, this tanabata poetry must be the oldst in the Manyosyu.
Becaese the tanabata legend is the foreign legend that was imported from China, It was exotic mood in Japanese people.
It was imported in accordance with fusion to the world of ancient Japan mythology.
It is probable that it is not only Kakimotonohitomaro who first fused to the world of ancient Japan mythology, but also Tenmu age that it was composed.
According to this variation, the tanabata poetry in the Manyosyu was composed without regard to the Milky Way in the night sky. The Milky Way of the tanabata legend was changed to the Amenoyasukawa in the world of ancient Japan mythology.
because the heavenly tanabata legend was fused to the world of Yatihoko god who began to live on the earth, it was changed to the human tanabata legend.


Ⅰ. 序 論
Ⅱ. 万葉集의 七夕歌
Ⅲ. 최초의 七夕歌
Ⅳ. 和風化의 背景과 그 詩的 變容
Ⅴ. 和風化의 繼承發展
Ⅵ. 結 論


  • 李相俊 이상준. 市立仁川專門大學 人文社會學部 日語科 助敎授, 日本古典文學 專攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1• 『日本古典文學全集 万葉集』. 小學館, 1972.
  • 2『日本書紀』岩波書店1967.
  • 3『上代日本文學と 中國文學 中』, 東京, 塙書房, 1964
  • 4「人麻呂歌集庚辰年考」『國語國文』第35卷 第10號 1966. 10.
  • 5「七夕歌と柿本人麻呂歌集」, 『萬葉』 第24號, 1925.
  • 6『萬葉宮廷歌人の研究』, 笠問書院, 1972.
  • 7『萬葉集研究』九,塙書房. 1975.
  • 8『山上憶良の研究』, 櫻楓社,1974.
  • 9『万葉集研究』第四集, 塙書房, 1973.
  • 10『饗宴の研究』(文學編), 櫻風社,1969.
  • 11『高木市之助全集』第三卷, 講談社, 1976.
  • 12(1992)『柿本人麻呂研究』、塙書房
  • 13『万葉集研究』15集, 塙書房, 1987.
  • 14『万葉集の歌群と 配列』(上 • 下), 塙書房, 1992.
  • 15「七夕說話傅承考」,『明治大學敎養論文集』75號, 1975.
  • 16『大系日本の歴史』. 小學館. 1988.

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