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중국 소수민족 신화 연구에 대한 비판적 검토 및 전망


A Critical Review and the future study direction on the Study of Mythology of Minority Race in China


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Mythology of minority race in china is a very important area in the study of chinese mythology. However, it has not been considered to be important until 1980's when the chinese government recognized the importance of minority race and tried to collect and arrange several mythology data ofminority race in china as a means to integrate several races in china. Based on these efforts, lots of searches has been accomplished in the comparative view point with Han races mythology.
Recently, the interest about the mythology of minority race is increasing, so that regional study such as west-south or east-north is on progress. And also theres are another attempts to study mythology of minority race individually or subjectively in detail. But the mythology of minority racestill has lots of works to be developed and mythology of china is mainly focused on Han races mythology, thesearch as a prototype of east-asia mythology and the comparative study with east-asia mythology and with world mythology is still in the very low level.
In this study, we noticed that the study and discussion with mythology of minority race in china is not established yet. We reviewed some existing data of mythology of minority race in china and tried historic and total analysis for that study results during the past. Also we checked some important arguing issues in mythology of minority race in china.
Especially in the last part, we reviewed some problems to be solved for the establishment of identity and right direction study of mythology of minority race. We also reviewed future study directions worthwhile that can be summarized by the following 4 view points.
First, the preceding issue in the study of mythology of minority race in china should exclude political trends such as Sino-centerism centered on Han races in the past or newly emerging new Sino-centerism that can effect. And to establish right mind of meaning and importance of the study of mythology of minority race.
Second, we need to review the credibilityof the existing data and also the newly established mythology data that was collected by the literature collection project of the minority races in china in the 1980's.
Third, mythology of minority race in the past was mainly progressed among minority races orbetween Han races, but now we need to expand the comparative study ranging to east-asia countries such as Korea and Japan etc. and also with the mythology of western countries and make a background to establish the identity of mythology of minority race.
Fourth, we suggested the future study direction of mythology of minority race in Korea.
(1) The interpretation of the original version of mythology of minority race and the necessity of analysis job.
(2) Continuous interest about the mythology of Korean race in China
(3) The mythology study area focused on in east-north so far should be extended to west-south mythology of minority race in china


I. 머리말
 II. 소수민족 신화 자료 검토
 III. 기존의 연구 성과에 대한 분석
  1. 중국
  2. 대만
  3. 일본
  4. 구미
  5. 한국
 IV. 문제 제기와 나아갈 방향
 V. 맺는 말


  • 張貞海 장정해. 한신대학교 중어중문학과, 부교수, 중국고전문학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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