

Adaptation of the Hypoosmotic Swelling Test to Evaluate Membrane Integrity of Boar Spermatozoa



The objective of this study was to establish the optimal conditions for hypoosmotic swelling (HOS) test to assess the functional integrity of the membranes of boar fresh or frozen/thawed spermatozoa. When pooled semen sample was incubated for 30 min at 37℃ with different test solution of varied osmolarity, the highest percentage of HOS positive spermatozoa was observed in a 150 mOsmol fructose/Na-citrate solution (33.6%). Incubation time did not affect significantly the score of HOS positive spermatozoa observed in a 150 mOsmol fructose/Na-citrate solution at 37℃, but the osmolarity affected the score of HOS positive spermatozoa under the same condition above. Fresh semen was significantly better than frozen/thawed semen in semen parameters evaluated such as motility, viability, membrane integrity and lipid peroxidation (p<0.05). In the relationships of sperm parameters, motility vs viability, motility vs membrane integrity and viability vs membrane integrity were positively correlated (0.82~0.94) but lipid peroxidation vs other estimated factors was negatively correlated (-0.90~-0.98). Among the evaluation methods, motility vs viability, motility vs membrane integrity and lipid peroxidation vs other estimated factors were significantly correlated (p<0.05). These results of this study indicate that the optimal condition of HOST in boar spermatozoa is a 150 mOsmol fructose/Na-citrate solution for 30 min incubation at 37℃ and HOST can substitute the examination of motility, viability and lipid peroxidation.


  Semen Preparation
  Hypoosmotic Swelling Test(HOST)
  Comparison of Hypoosmotic Solutions
  Comparison of Incubation Time
  Comparison on Osmolarity
  Comparison of semen Status
  Quantification of Lipid Peroxidation
  Statistical Analysis


  • Hyun-Yong Jang College of Animal Life Science
  • Hee-Tae Cheong School of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University
  • Hwan-Sub Heang Gangwon Livestock Research Center
  • Jong-Taek Kim Gangwon Livestock Research Center
  • Choon-Keun Park College of Animal Life Science
  • Hak-Kyu Lee GRRC, Hankyong National University
  • Boo-Keun Yang College of Animal Life Science


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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