Implant supported over denture with O-ring abutment
The purpose of this study is to introduce how to make implant supported over denture with O-ring.Many kinds of attachments have used to dental restorations. The application of attachment haswidely increased implant fixed prosthesis and implant supported over denture.In order that implant supported over denture have properly retention, generally used O-ring,magnetic, bar attachment. O-ring give us an advantage that is required more minimum verticaldimension than bar-type and easily replace with new part.When we make these prosthesis using O-ring, Bar, Ball attachment, we should followingprocedures. Strong occlusion force leads to fracture of over denture because part of functionalmechanism as implant abutment or attachment is spaced.Clips are regularly activated. O-ring and springs are changed every year. The pattern ofresorption should be carefully monitored and compensated for by relining procedures.If the over denture appears to rest on the bar or the ball attachments, relining should beperformed and clips/caps should be changed.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 적응증
2. 금기증
Ⅱ. 본론
Ⅲ. 제작과정
1. O-ring abutment를 이용한 implant overdenture의 제작과정
2. 기존Denture에retainer를삽입하여제작된Implant over denture의제작과정
Ⅳ. 결론