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万葉의 女性像 - 여성의 사랑가에 보이는 「늙음」 -


A Review of the meaning of "getting old" in love songs written by female authors in Manyoshu

만엽의 여성상 - 여성의 사랑가에 보이는 「늙음」 -

사이토 아사코

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Love is indeed a central topic in about 270 songs compiled in “Manyoshu"written by clearly identified female writers. However, it is hard to find songs talking about aging in life. The typical song-writers talking about the rare issue are Isigawanoiratzme (石川郞女), Automonosakanouenoratzme (大伴坂上郞女), and Kinoiratzme (紀郞女).
Although Isigawanoiratzme (石川郞女) is an old woman, she describes the story of falling in love as if she was young. The old lady portrayed as an aged woman (古りにし嫗) in the story is likely tobe in love and also suffers from the troubles of love many times in her life.
Automonosakanouenoratzme (大伴坂上郞女) depicts the ardent passion of love as much as someone loves "until the days of black hair becoming white hair" (黑髮に白髮交じり老るまで). Although there is a usual expression of "falling frost" for aging, she intentionally describes it with the term of "white hair". The expression of "until the days of frost falling on black hair" defines her sorrow with the passage of time and pain beyond endurance while living a life, whereas the expression of "white hair" implicates becoming old as time goes by.
Kinoiratzme (紀女郞), corresponding many verses with Automono yakamochi (大伴家持), illustrates her own feelings as she behaves "actions in a graceful manner (神さぶ)" as an old partner in terms of "whether she is too old to love or not ((神さぶと否にはあらず)". By making a song with the subject of 'getting old' that should not be necessarily explicit, she seems to take a provocative attitude toward her love on purpose. It is believed that such humors in love songs are used to verbalize their feelings more deeply than ever.
As mentioned above, the female writers who has introduced the conception of "getting old" into love songs occupies a position of a "female leader". The "female leader"means those are selected by their brilliant talent, aptitude, and dignity, representing their own family. That is why they are supposed to manage the term "getting old"in their works. Consequently, this fact would help presume the possible locations where they could enjoy making songs about "getting old". It allows more studies on the subject needed to be done in the near future.


Ⅰ. 들어가기
Ⅱ. 나이는 할미면서(古りにし嫗にして)
Ⅲ. 검은 머리에 횐 털이 섞이니(黑髮に白髮まじり)
Ⅳ. 거룩하게 나이가 들었다고(神さぶといなにはあらず)
Ⅴ. 나가기


  • 사이토 아사코 Saito, Asako. 명지대학교, 부교수, 일본고대문학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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