


지방대학이 지역경제에서 차지하는 역할과 영향에 대한 연구


A Study on Regional Economic Role and Impact of Regional University

차대규, 조재완



This study shows how much the local college influences the local economy using the Keynes Model, which is evaluated as the basic of macro economics. The methods of research are economic measurement and empirical study being used questionnaire study. First of all, the result being used Keynes model shows that the local economy has been grown by the students of "D" university from 1994 to 2002, which is approximately more than 100 billion won a year. The amount is more than 15-30% among the gross income in "S" city. Next, the survey was carried out making the students of "D" university and villagers an object of it, which is especially a comparative study between "D" university and "K" university nearby "S" city. The result is as the follows; the influence of the two universities towards local economy is almost same, but the villagers in "S" city underestimate the valuable. In the result, the shortage of understanding about the importance of local college would cause obstructing not only the potential ability of local college, eventually, but also the development of the region.


  • 차대규 경동대학교 경영학부 경영정보학
  • 조재완 경동대학교 경영학부 경영정보학


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