

청각장애인을 위한 자막해설 특성 연구 - 넷플릭스 드라마 「지옥」 시즌 2를 중심으로


A Study on Subtitles for the d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing.




This study examines the rapidly expanding field of audiovisual translation, with a particular focus on Subtitling for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDH) audiences, a service increasingly in demand as media accessibility receives greater societal emphasis. The recent surge in over-the-top platforms and the popularity of Korean content have driven demand for interlingual SDH, though it has traditionally been approached as an intralingual endeavor. To better understand interlingual SDH, this study compares it with regular subtitles and contrasts the practices between intralingual and interlingual SDH. The analysis focuses on Netflix's Hellbound Season 2, which integrated feedback from a focus group of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals during production, as well as its publicly available guidelines. Findings reveal that while both subtitles and SDH operate under spatial and temporal constraints, they differ in their approach to relevance and redundancy. Additionally, approaches to editing and reduction vary between intralingual and interlingual SDH. Effective interlingual SDH creation demands not only translation skills but also a catered understanding of the target viewers' needs. This study aims to provide practical support for translators and seeks to benefit SDH viewers by enhancing the effectiveness of subtitles for accessibility.


1. 서론
2. 일반자막과 자막해설
2.1. 시공간적 제약
2.2. 중복성 및 관련성
2.3. 텍스트 축소 및 편집
3. 연구 방법
4. 분석 결과
4.1. 시공간적 제약: 일반자막 및 자막해설
4.2. 중복성 및 관련성: 일반자막 대 자막해설
4.3. 텍스트 축소 및 편집: 언어 내 대 언어 간 자막해설
5. 논의 및 결론


  • 이여주 Lee, Yoejoo. 가천대학교


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