This article aims to examine the realization patterns and characteristics of the conjunctive endings '-을갑세', '-으나따나' and '-구마는' in the Gyeongsang dialect. First, the expression of 'concession' can be classified into 'concessions in hypothetical situations' and 'concessions in non-hypothetical situations' based on the preceding clause. Upon reviewing the realization patterns of '-을갑세', '-으나따나', and '-구마 는' in the Gyeongsang dialect, it was found that '-을갑세' and '-으나따나' can be used in both hypothetical and non-hypothetical situations, whereas '-구마는' is used only in non-conditional situations. Based on this criterion, the study also examined the syntactic and semantic characteristics of '-을갑세', '-으나따나', and '-구마는', focusing on various constraints.
1. 서론
2. 경상방언에 나타나는 양보표현의 실현양상
2.1. 경상방언에 나타나는 양보표현
2.2. 선행절 상황에 따른 양보표현의 실현양상
3. 가정/비가정적 상황에서 나타나는 양보표현의 통사·의미적 특징
3.1. 가정/비가정적 상황에 따른 양보표현의 통사적 특징
3.2. 가정/비가정적 상황에 따른 양보표현의 의미적 특징
4. 결론