


실제 교통사고 사례 분석을 통한 V2X 적용 효과와 한계 분석에 관한 연구


An Analytical Study on the Effectiveness and Limitations of V2X in Real-World Traffic Accident

백세룡, 유태현, 김형규, 함영진, 김천호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzed actual traffic accident data to select humans’ unavoidable accidents and to examine whether avoidance is possible after AEBS(Advanced Emergency Braking System) is applied to these accidents. In cases where avoidance is not possible with AEBS, those accidents were determined to be examples where V2X(Vehicle-to-Everything) technology is necessary. Subsequently, by applying V2V(Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and V2I(Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) communication technologies, this research analyzed the possibility of accident avoidance. The results confirmed that the application of V2X technology enables accident avoidance. Additionally, by applying various variables, it identified limitation scenarios that cannot be resolved by V2X technology, and discussed strategies for accident avoidance in such situations.


1. 서론
1.1 연구 개요
1.2 선행연구 고찰
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 Vehicle to everything
2.2 PC-Crash 시뮬레이션
3. 실사고 기반 시나리 오 도출 및 분석
3.1 사고사례 선정
3.2 사고 차량 및 보행자의 속도
3.3 분석 속도를 이용한 사고재현
3.4 AEBS를 적용한 사고재현
4. V2X 기술 적용을 통한 사고분석
4.1 V2V를 적용한 사고 분석
4.2 V2I를 적용한 사고 분석
4.3 V2X 한계 상황
4.4 V2X 한계 상황에 따른 대응 전략 고찰
4.5 시뮬레이션 분석의 한계점
5. 결론 및 향후 과제


  • 백세룡 Se-Ryong Baek. Researcher, Dept. of Samsong Post Safety, Samsong Industries
  • 유태현 Tae-Hyun Yoo. Researcher, Dept. of Software development, G-tag.
  • 김형규 Hyung-Kyu Kim. Researcher, Dept. of Samsong Post Safety, Samsong Industries.
  • 함영진 Young-Jin Ham. Researcher, Dept. of Accident analysis, G-tag.
  • 김천호 Cheon-Ho Kim. Team leader, Department of Samsong Post Safety, Samsong Industries.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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