In order support the design support system of small and medium-sized shipbuilding companies that carry out designs using 2D CAD, this study developed a system that automatically calculates the cable length by extracting the Y-axis value expressed as text data in 2D CAD. By setting the equipment where the cable starts and ends, the essential route and the installation rate were checked so that the optimal route of the cable could be calculated. As a result, the value calculated based on the optimal route and length of the cable by extracting the data of 2D CAD through this study was the same as the value previously calculated by the actual user, and the installation rate was less than 130% so there was no problem with the on-site installation. In addition, it was confirmed that the cable length calculated through this was reduced by about 7% compared to the existing work.
1. 서론
2. 방법론
2.1 전장 설계 순서 및 적용 부분
2.2 프로그램 프로세스
3. 시스템 개발
3.1 CAD 좌표 정보 활용
3.2 최적경로 및 길이 산출
4. 성능시험 및 평가
4.1 케이블 절감률과 계측정확도 평가
4.2 케이블 포설률 평가
5. 결론