

Human-Machine Interaction Technology (HIT)

Innovations and Challenges in Submarine Security Systems : A Comprehensive Analysis of Modern Threats and Countermeasures



Submarine security systems are pivotal in modern military strategies and are critical for ensuring the operational security of military forces. This article examines submarine security technologies' historical evolution and assesses their adequacy in the face of contemporary threats. The study comprehensively addresses traditional security measures such as acoustic and magnetic signature reduction technologies, countermeasure systems, cybersecurity strategies, and energy security issues. In particular, it emphasizes the impact of anechoic coatings and degaussing methods used to complicate submarines detection. It also notes that autonomous underwater vehicles and AI-supported systems pose new threats to submarine security. In this context, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of current security systems is provided, along with recommendations for future technological adaptation strategies. The proposed strategy for strengthening submarine security encompasses the integration of technological innovations and measures in the field of cybersecurity. Ultimately, this study highlights the importance of developing submarine security systems and their adaptation to modern threats, providing a guiding framework for future research.


1. Introduction
2. Historical Development of Submarine Security Systems
2.1. Early Submarine Technologies
2.2. Acoustic and Magnetic Signature Reduction
3. Modern Threats and Adaptation Strategies
3.1. Cybersecurity and Electronic Warfare
3.2. Traditional Countermeasure Systems
3.3. Energy Security
4. Emerging Threats and Innovative Solutions
4.1. Autonomous Systems
4.2. Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledgement


  • Serdar Yazmyradov Department of Computer Engineering, Dongseo University, Busan, Korea
  • HoonJae Lee Professor of Department Information Security of Dongseo University, Korea
  • Young Sil Lee Professor of Department Computer Science of Dongseo University, Korea
  • Ahmadhon Akbarkhonovich Kamolov Professor of Department Computer Science of Dongseo University, Korea
  • Dong-Woo Kang Researcher, Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO), Korea


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