

Crunch Mode: Artificial Intelligence to Predict Heart Disease Early


Van-Phong Truong, Jun-Ho Huh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The heart is an important organ in the circulatory system, which pumps blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to the body and remove waste products from metabolism. The heart forms the cardiovascular system with the arterial and venous systems, making cardiovascular health a vital factor. Crunch mode is a term used to describe periods of intense, prolonged work aimed at completing a project before a deadline or achieving an important goal. However, working continuously in this state can have serious health consequences, including the risk of heart disease. Early recognition of warning signs is key to minimizing the serious effects of the disease. Therefore, when unusual symptoms occur, a timely medical examination will help detect, diagnose, and treat them early, limiting dangerous complications. In this paper, we focus on the early prediction of stroke risk by applying advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques. We apply machine learning and deep learning models and combine ensemble learning methods to assess the risk of heart disease. The data source used in the paper is an open dataset containing reliable physiological profiles of patients, which helps to increase the accuracy of predicting heart disease problems and supports effective prevention.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Related Research
Ⅲ. Proposal and Implementation of Research Model
1. Big Dataset
2. Data Pre-processing
3. Classification Algorithm
Ⅳ. Results
Ⅴ. Conclusions


  • Van-Phong Truong Van-Phong Truong, Master Candidate of Department of Data Informatics, National Korea Maritime and Ocean University/Master Candidate of Interdisciplinary Major of Ocean Renewable Energy Engineering, National Korea Maritime and Ocean University
  • Jun-Ho Huh Associate Professor (Tenured) of Department of Data Science, National Korea Maritime and Ocean University/Associate Professor (Tenured) of Interdisciplinary Major of Ocean Renewable Energy Engineering (Concurrent Position), National Korea Maritime and Ocean University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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