


비정형 빅데이터를 활용한 뷰티 디바이스 연구동향 분석 : 2004년 2023년 국내 학술지 키워드 변화량을 중심으로


Analysis of Beauty Device Research Trends Using Unstructured Big Data : 2004 2023 Focusing on the Amount of Keyword Change in Academic Journals

박미라, 박정연



This study investigated the recent trend of device research in the beauty market through unstructured big data analysis based on keywords in beauty device-related articles published in Korean academic journals from 2004 to 2023. The data were collected from articles published in Naver, Google News, blogs, cafes, and DBpia. Keyword extraction and refinement, frequency and co-occurrence keyword analysis, semantic linkage network analysis, and QAP correlation analysis were conducted using the Textom program. The results of the study revealed developments in beauty device-related research by analyzing keyword frequency, connection centrality, and dominance centrality by era. In particular, a significant increase in research interest in mask use and home beauty devices were found since 2019. Based on these findings, academic implications were drawn, including changes in research trends over time, the need for a multidisciplinary approach, diversification of research topics and directions, and advancements in research methodologies; practical implications were presented, including setting directions for product development and innovation, improving marketing strategies, monitoring market trends, and strengthening consumer education and communication strategies. This study is expected to provide useful insights for the research and development of marketing strategies in the beauty device market.


本研究通过对2004年至2023年间国内学术期刊上发表的与美容设备相关的论文进行关键词基 础的非结构化大数据分析. 旨在探讨美容设备研究的趋势. 数据来源于Naver, Google新闻, 博 客, 论坛和DBpia等平台的论文, 分析使用Textom程序进行关键词提取与清洗, 频率和共同出 现关键词分析, 语义网络分析以及QAP相关分析. 研究结果显示, 通过各个时代的关键词频率, 连接中心性和优势中心性分析, 能够确认美容设备相关研究的发展趋势, 并发现自2019年以来, 关于口罩使用和家用美容设备的研究兴趣显著增加. 基于这些结果, 研究得出了时代性变化的 研究趋势, 跨学科方法的必要性, 研究主题和方向的多样化以及研究方法论的提升等学术启示, 并提出了产品开发与创新方向的设定, 营销战略改进, 市场趋势监控, 消费者教育及沟通策略 加强等实践性启示. 本研究预计将为美容设备市场的营销战略研究与开发提供有价值的洞察􀕶


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 뷰티 디바이스
III. 연구방법
1. 연구내용
2. 데이터 수집
3. 분석방법
IV. 연구결과
1. 빈도분석 결과
2. 뷰티 디바이스와 관련한 각 시기별 네트워크의 구조적 특징
3. 중심성 분석
4. 뷰티 디바이스 관련 QAP 상관분석
5. 동시출현 키워드 분석
V. 결론


  • 박미라 Mi Ra Park. 원광대학교 대학원 뷰티디자인학과 박사과정
  • 박정연 Jeong Yeon Park. 원광대학교 뷰티디자인학부 교수


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