

취업 기혼여성의 스트레스 관련요인 및 대처전략에 관한 구조모형


A Structural Equation Modeling on the Factors of Stress and Coping Strategies of Married Working Women

정혜선, 김혜영, 이현경, 이윤정, 권영숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purposes of this study are to identity stress and coping strategies of married working women. Data were collected from 185 married working women, living in the metropolitan area.

The results were as follows:

1. Low family function and high occupational stress affected stress symptoms of married working women significantly, but type A personality was not related to the stress symptoms.

2. The mole the married wet king women perceived stress symptoms. the more the utilized organizational coping strategies.

3. The women who used personal coping strategies effectively also used more effective organizational coping strategies.

4. Two paths were statistically significant, family function -stress symptoms, occupational stress- stress symptoms. But the others were not. Based on those results. the model was modified by adding four paths : A type personality personal coping strategies, occupational stress organizational coping strategies, personal coping strategies organizational coping strategies, organizational coping strategies stress symptoms.

5. The modified model produced a better fit than hypothetical model(GFI=0.9985, ACFI=0.9893, NFI=0.9920, NNFI=1.1330, RMSR=0.0030, PNFI=0.1984).

in conclusion, the stress management. for married working women needs to focus on both organizational coping strategies and personal coping strategies.


  • 정혜선
  • 김혜영
  • 이현경
  • 이윤정
  • 권영숙


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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