

技术创新与产业结构升级 : 基于VAR模型的时间序列分析


Technological Innovation and Industrial Structural Upgrading : A Time Series Analysis Based on VAR Models

Liu Lu

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Technological innovation has always been the main force driving the upgrading of Chinas industrial structure, and has an important significance for Chinas economic growth as well as industrial restructuring. The industrial structure occupies a relatively important position in the development of the national economy and is an important indicator of the current stage or level of a countrys economic development. Therefore, promoting the upgrading of the industrial structure through innovation-driven development is of great significance. China is in a critical period of transformation of its mode of economic development and the upgrading of its industrial structure, in which technological innovation plays an increasingly important role. Both the structural evolution of the three industrial sectors and the optimization and upgrading of the internal structure of each sector depend on the speed of technological innovation capacity, and in 2020, the proportion of the secondary and tertiary industries in China will account for 92.35%, which means that China's industrial structure upgrading has reached a certain level, and the secondary and tertiary industries have reached a high level of development. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate whether and how technological innovation plays an important role in industrial structure upgrading and in what directions.


一直以来,技术创新是驱动中国产业结构升级的主要动力,对中国的经济增长以及 产业结构调整有着重要的意义 产业结构在国民经济发展中占据着比较重要的地 位,是衡量一个国家经济发展处于什么阶段或者水平的重要标志,因此,通过创新 驱动发展,推动产业结构的升级,对当前产业结构的调整有着重要意义中国正处 于经济发展方式转变和产业结构升级的关键时期,技术创新对经济发展方式的转 变,产业结构升级和经济增长的促进作用越来越大,无论是三次产业之间的结构演 变,还是各个产业内部结构的优化和升级,都取决于技术创新能力的速度,2020 年,中国的第二产业和第三产业之和占GDP的比值达到92.35%,说明中国的产业 结构升级己经达到一定的水平,第二第三产业己经达到很高的发展水平,所以探究 技术创新在产业结构升级中是否起到重要作用,作用于哪些方向以及影响的数值多 少,是本文研究的意义所在.


I. 绪论
II. 先行研究概括
III. 数据和方法论
3.1 方法论
3.2. 数据收集整理
3.3 散点图绘制
3.4 模型的构建
IV. 实证分析结果
1. 单位根检验
2. 协整检验
3. VAR模型
4. 脉冲响应分析
5. 方差分析
V. 结论


  • Liu Lu 鞍山师范学院国际教育院 讲师


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