


군용 전차 사례를 통한 단종부품의 재설계 방안에 대한 연구


Study on the Redesign Strategies for Discontinued Components Based on Military Tank Case

오은빈, 권유나, 김윤곤, 서기업

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Advanced technoloigy, according to the development of science, is also applied to weapons systems to prepare for future battles. But the emergence of new technologies leads to DMSMS(Diminishing Manufacturing Source and Material Shortage) because it brings a short life cycle of parts. In particular, DMSMS frequently appear in electronic parts with a short launch cycle for new products. The life support system of K2MBT(Main Battle Tank) is a key functional item related to crew survivability and convenience. Recently, various parts have been cut off on the life support system, requiring a redesign of the Control Box. The K2MBT is not only central to domestic production but also plays a key role in export projects to countries like Poland, making continuous production necessary. This study aimed to ensure the sustainability of component production and reduce maintenance costs by redesigning the control box.


1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1절 장비 소개 및 현실태
2.2절 재설계
2.3절 성능 입증
3. 결론


  • 오은빈 Eun-Bin Oh. Member, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
  • 권유나 Yu-Na Kwon. Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
  • 김윤곤 Yoon-Gon Kim. Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
  • 서기업 Ki-Up Seo. SG Safety Corporation


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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