


CAE 구조해석 기반 대용량 콘크리트 양성용 알파보드의 설계


Design of Alpha Board Used for Supporting Large Weight Concrete Blocks Based on CAE Structural Analysis

이종선, 문현호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted to investigate the proper design of alpha board used to support concrete blocks under high loads. A board height of 50 mm was appropriate to ensure a deflection of 3 mm or less under a load of 5 tons. The trapezoidal shape of the vibration absorbers in the interior of the board reduced the maximum deflection by evenly distributing the deflection across the board width. The height of the board is the most important variable in preventing deflection, and for the same board height, adjusting the thickness of the top and bottom plates was more effective in reducing the amount of deflection than adjusting the thickness of the stiffener. The theoretical solution is a good tool for easily predicting the deflection of the board, as it shows a difference of 5 to 15% from the simulation results. However, as a 2D prediction model, the theoretical solution cannot represent the distribution of deflection over the entire board area, so the 3D simulations are necessary in predicting the amount of deflection over the entire board.


1. 서론
2. 해석 방법
2.1 알파보드 모 델
2.2 CAD 모 델
2.3 CAE 시뮬레이션 모 델
3. 결과
3.1 내장재 모 델별 처짐량 비교
3.2 내장재 두께에 따른 처짐량 비교
4. 토의
5. 결론
감사의 글


  • 이종선 C. S. Lee. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Control Engineering, Handong Global University
  • 문현호 H. H. Moon. Handong Global University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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