


차량 후드 힌지부 설계 개선 가이드라인 개발을 통한 보행자 머리 상해 저감 방안 연구


Development of Design Guidelines for Vehicle Hood Hinge Improvement to Mitigate Pedestrian Head Injuries

안용진, 박지호, 김동오, 양태걸, 류성웅, 이승현, 임준석, 김태웅

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aimed to develop a systematic process for identifying components that need to be changed to reduce the Head Injury Criterion (HIC) during pedestrian headform tests. Through simulation and analysis, it was confirmed that the hood, hinge, hinge plate, cowl, fender, and fender bracket significantly influence HIC15. The study identified the specific impact of each component on HIC15, allowing for targeted improvements. The proposed process demonstrated superior performance compared to single-component optimization, yielding more significant reductions in HIC15. Multiple vehicle models were tested, confirming the process's effectiveness in consistently lowering HIC15 values.


1. 서론
2. 연구 방법
2.1 해석 모 델 선정
2.2 힌지 영역의 관심 부품 선정
2.3 단일 부품 강성 영향
2.4 시뮬레이션 강성 변경의 적합성 검토
2.5 부품 개선 프로세스 개발
2.6 프로세스 검증을 위한 해석 데이터 생성및 프로세스 검증
3. 연구 결과
3.1 유효부품 선정 해석
3.2 단일 부품 강성 변경 해석
3.3 시뮬레이션 강성 변경의 적합성 검토 해석
3.4 프로세스 적용
4. 토의 및 결론


  • 안용진 Yong-Jin An. Tech University of Korea
  • 박지호 Ji-ho Park. Tech University of Korea
  • 김동오 Dong-O Kim. Tech University of Korea
  • 양태걸 Tae-Gul Yang. Vehicle System Certification Test Team, Hyundai Motor Group
  • 류성웅 Sung-Ung Ryu. Vehicle System Certification Test Team, Hyundai Motor Group
  • 이승현 Seung-Hyun Lee. Vehicle System Certification Test Team, Hyundai Motor Group
  • 임준석 Jun-Seok Lim. Vehicle System Certification Test Team, Hyundai Motor Group
  • 김태웅 Tae-Wung Kim. Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Tech University of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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