


日韓の女性雑誌の化粧品の広告文における 文末タイプ -読者の年齢層に注目して-


The Sentence-Ending Types in Cosmetic Advertisements in Japanese and Korean Women’s Magazines - Focusing on the Age Group of Readers -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focuses on the age group of readers who subscribe to women’s magazines and examines the use of sentence-ending types cosmetic advertisements in women’s magazines in Japan and Korea from two perspectives: speech levels and expression forms. The results are summarized as follows: Firstly, regarding the usage patterns of speech levels in cosmetic advertisements, it was found that in both countries, incomplete sentence is overwhelmingly used in women’s magazines aimed at both younger and middle-aged to older readers, followed by the plain form and the polite form. This preference for incomplete sentence can be interpreted as being favored because it does not directly convey a respectful attitude, due to the indirect nature of communication with an unspecified, large audience. Moreover, since the plain form is used more frequently than the polite form in both countries, it suggests an emphasis on objective information delivery over politeness to readers. Next, regarding the usage patterns of ending forms in incomplete sentence, in both countries, the noun form is most commonly used in women’s magazines for both younger and middle-aged to older readers. Ending with a noun form is presumed to give a concise and assertive impression, which is effective in capturing readers’ interest. Additionally, in Japan, the noun form is relatively more used in women’s magazines for younger readers, while the case/auxiliary particle form is more common in magazines for middle-aged to older women, indicating a difference in usage trends based on age group of readers. Finally, concerning the usage patterns of expression forms in cosmetic advertisements, in both countries, the declarative form is overwhelmingly used in women’s magazines for both younger and middle-aged to older readers. This suggests that advertisements focus more on one-sided information provision rather than active interaction with readers.


1. はじめに
2. 研究方法
2.1 分析資料
2.2 分析方法
3. 結果と分析
3.1 韓国の女性雑誌の化粧品の広告文における文末タイプ
3.2 日本の女性雑誌の化粧品の広告文における文末タイプ
4. おわりに


  • 李恩美 이은미. 明知大学 日語日文学科 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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