A Study on the Role and Desire Changes of Spin-off Animation Characters : Minions and Puss in Boots Cat Work Analysis
This paper explored the characters in spin-off works that are becoming a hot topic not only in Korea but also in the world. I would like to find out whether there are changes in the character in the original and the character's character and behavior in the spin-off work, and if there are changes, for what reason the changes occur. The subjects of the study were “Puss in Boots” and “Minions,” which released a number of spin-off works based on the original. As analysis tools, we used the five-step theory of need by Abraham H. Maslow and the behavioral model of Greimas. As a result, in the spin-off work, Minions and Puss have shifted away from the role of facilitator in the original and become subjective characters. According to Maslow's theory of needs, the analysis also confirmed that this appears as an action to satisfy the needs of belonging, love, respect, and self-realization beyond basic physiological and safety needs. This change allowed him to develop a more independent and proactive personality and behavior, and be at the center of the story. This is the result of reflecting the production team's intention and audience expectations to provide audiences with deeper characters and richer stories. is analyzed.
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 애니메이션과 캐릭터
2.2 그레마스의 행위소 모형 이해
2.3 매슬로우 욕구단계이론의 이해
3. 작품분석
3.1 슈퍼배드 작품분석
3.2 미니언즈1 작품분석
3.3 미니언즈2 작품분석
3.4 슈렉2 스핀오프 캐릭터 역할분석
3.5 장화신은 고양이1
3.6 장화신은 고양이2
3.7 소결
4. 결론