

미래 전장 대응을 위한 유무인 복합전투체계 발전방향 : ICT를 중심으로


Development Direction of Manned and Unmanned Complex Combat System to Respond to the Future Battlefield : Focusing on ICT

정발, 이경숙, 구본진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A manned and unmanned complex combat system refers to a combat system that performs various missions by operating manned and unmanned aircraft together. The combat system is rapidly becoming more advanced due to recent remarkable developments in information and communication technologies(ICT), including AI and 5G, and major countries are actively using it in actual battlefields. Furthermore, the importance of this combat system is increasing and it is emerging as the core of future warfare. Accordingly, this study analyzed the concept of the manned and unmanned complex combat system and the current status of its integration with ICT, presented an operational concept utilizing it, and then analyzed the actual current status of related combat systems at home and abroad. Lastly, five suggestions were presented for the development of domestic manned and unmanned complex combat systems.


1. 서론
2. 유무인 복합전투체계(MUM-T) 개념
3. 유무인 복합전투체계 관련 ICT
3.1 AI 기술 기반 유무인 복합전투체계
3.2 5G 기반 유무인 복합전투체계
4. ICT 활용 유무인 복합전투체계 사례
4.1 ICT 활용 유무인 복합전투체계 작전개념
4.2 국내ㆍ외 ICT 활용 무인전투체계 현황
4.3 ICT 활용 유무인 복합전투체계 사례: 공중ㆍ지상전투체계
4.4 ICT 활용 유무인 복합전투체계 사례: 해상ㆍ수중 전투체계
4.5 ICT 활용 유무인 복합전투체계 사례:지하 수색ㆍ공격 전투체계
4.6 시사점
5. 결론 및 발전방안 제언


  • 정발 Bal Jeong. Yonsei University Graduate School Department of Law, Yonsei University Graduate School
  • 이경숙 Kyungsook Lee. Team Leader, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
  • 구본진 Bonjin Koo. Assistant Professor, Korea University of Technology & Education School of Industrial Management


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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