


총기 소음기에 적용된 기술과 소재에 대한 동향 및 전망


Trends and Prospects in Technologies and Materials for Firearm Suppressors


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to explore the development and current state of suppressor technology through a review of existing research and case studies, and to propose future directions for further research. Firstly, we analyze domestic and international research topics related to suppressors to determine emerging trends and research needs. Secondly, we investigate the reasons behind the discrepancies in noise reduction data from different studies that utilize identical measurement standards, proposing potential solutions to this issue. Furthermore, we examine key factors influencing suppressor performance, such as the design and shape of suppressors, including the effectiveness of baffle systems, pass-through suppressor technology, and fluid-filled suppressors. Additionally, we delve into the advancements in suppressor materials, assessing their durability, weight reduction, and thermal management capabilities, which are critical to the effectiveness and longevity of suppressors in modern warfare. This research contributes to the understanding of suppressor technology, highlighting the importance of design optimization and material innovation in enhancing both performance and practicality. The findings can guide the development of next-generation suppressors that meet the increasingly complex demands of contemporary combat environments.


1. 서론
2. 소음기 분석
2.1 소음기 성능 영향인자 분석
2.2 소음기 형상 분석
2.3 소음기 소재
3. 소음 측정
3.1 현재 측정 방법 및 문제점
3.2 개선 방안 제안
4. 향후 연구 방향
5. 결론


  • 하정욱 Junguk Ha. Member, Defence Agency for Technology and Quality


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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