

Culture Convergence (CC)

Development and Implementation of 3D Anatomical Exercise Encyclopedia Application Optimized for Korean Users



In modern society, with the growing emphasis on health and fitness, the need for education on proper exercise methods is increasingly highlighted. The purpose of this study is to develop a 3D anatomical exercise encyclopedia application optimized for Korean users, enabling them to clearly understand the anatomical structure of exercises and easily learn proper exercise methods. In this study, a user-friendly interface was developed using Flutter and Unity, and a feature was added that allows users to intuitively check muscle activation through 3D models. Users can easily understand the anatomical structure of the exercise areas through 3D models that can be zoomed in, out, and rotated, and can easily access information such as exercise definitions, exercise sequences, agonist muscles, and synergist muscles. As a result of the study, most of the 21 users who used the application showed high satisfaction with the intuitiveness of the interface and the accuracy of the information, suggesting improvements such as the addition of exercise items and muscle highlighting effects, confirming the potential for developing an exercise encyclopedia application optimized for users.


1. Introduction
2. Development of 3D Anatomical Exercise Encyclopedia Application
2.1 Development Environment and Tools
2.2 Operational Structure of the 3D Anatomical Exercise Encyclopedia Application
2.3. Application Implementation
2.4. Main Screen Configuration
2.5. 3D Model Screen
3. Results of the 3D Anatomical Exercise Encyclopedia Application Development
4. Conclusion


  • Young-Ju Jeong Dept. of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea
  • Eun-Chong Park Dept. of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea
  • Sang-Hyun Lee Associate Prof., Dept. of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea


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