

Telecommunication Information Technology (TIT)

Periodic I/O Scheduling for the Storage of MPEG-DASH Video Servers



The proliferation of video streaming services has led to a need for flexible networking protocols. As a result, the Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) protocol has emerged as a dominant streaming protocol due to its ability to dynamically adjust playback bitrates according to the end-user's network conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel I/O scheduling scheme tailored for the storage of MPEG-DASHenabled video servers. Using the renowned rate-reservation (RR) algorithm and bulk-SCAN mechanism, our proposed scheme improves storage bandwidth utilization while ensuring seamless playback of streams with varying bitrates. In addition, we provide a mechanism for reclaiming the idle I/O time typically incurred while retrieving video segments from storage. Consequently, our scheme offers practical solutions for reducing the storage costs of MPEG-DASH video servers. With a simple cost model, we evaluate the performance enhancements achieved by our proposed I/O scheduling scheme.


1. Introduction
2. Basic Idea
3. Proposed Algorithm for MPEG-DASH Server Storage
3.1 Rate-Reservation Algorithm
3.2 Adoption of the RR Algorithm for I/O Scheduling
3.3 Proposed Scheduling Algorithm
4. Advantages of the Proposed Scheduling Scheme
4.1 Soundness of the Proposed Algorithm
4.2 Evaluations of Enhanced I/O Performance
5. Conclusion


  • Seong Chae Lim Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Dongduk Women’s University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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