

근대 신문물의 유입에 따른 시간과 공간 개념의 변화와 감각 확장 양상


Study of changes in the concept of space and time and expansion of senses due to the influx of new cultures in the modern period


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is a study of how modern people accepted cultures introduced from the West and how the experiences of that time influenced us today. We examined through newspaper advertisements and magazine articles how changes in perception of time, a new concept introduced through the modern West, and compressed changes in space due to urbanization have changed the cultural landscape of our society. Throughout society, a variety of sensory experiences from the modern era have spread, and these sensory elements have become entrenched in our daily lives in a commercial and cultural context. Industrialization enabled large-scale production and distribution, and through this, products that provided a variety of sensory experiences were distributed in the market. The emergence of department stores and markets in the modern era provided consumers with direct access to new perfumes, food, beverages, and textiles, through which they could experience various sensory experiences such as smell, taste, and touch. This confirmed that modernity was not unilaterally transplanted into us, but rather accepted as a result of negotiations with traditional society and compensation for cultural delays. In modern times, the emergence of consumer power as a new class of the masses has promoted the process of commercializing sensory experiences, and the texture, taste, smell, and sound of products have become important selection criteria for consumers. With the development of new media technologies such as phonograph, radio, and movie, auditory experience has spread to the public. In addition, the spread of fashion, perfume, and beauty products has contributed to forming a popular culture that emphasizes the sense of smell and tactile experience.


  • 채영희


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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