


옥외저장소 화재 시 인접 저장소 화재 영향에 대한 연구


A Study on the Fire Impact of Adjacent Storage at Outdoor Storage Fire

김은지, 박성식, 전용한

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Outdoor storage fires have a significant impact on the surrounding environment, including adjacent storage facilities and buildings. Therefore, it is essential to review and manage the fire impact to minimize damage to human life and property on the outdoor storage fires. In this study, the heat release rate and radiant heat flux were simulated according to the fire time, wind veolcity, and presence or absence of water spray equipment in an outdoor storage facility fire, and the fire impact was analyzed. The outdoor storage was designed to simulate two scenarios on the outdoor storage fires containing gasoline, and FDS was used for fire simulation. As a results, when the water spray facility was not operating and the wind velocity was 5 m/s, the maximum radiant heat flux was 24.80 kW/m2, which exceeded the limit radiant heat flux of 20 kW/m2. When the water spray facility was operating and the wind veolcity was 10 m/s, the maximum radiant heat flux was 18.77 kW/m2, which did not exceed the limit radiant heat flux, indicating that the fire impact on adjacent storage facilities was relatively small.


1. 서론
2. 국내외 저장소 화재 사고 사례
3. 실험방법
3.1 실험 시나리오
3.2 열방출율
3.3 실험조건
3.4 실험방법
4. 실험결과 및 분석
4.1 옥외저장소 화재 영향 평가
5. 결론
6. References


  • 김은지 Eun-Ji Kim. 제주대학교 에너지응용시스템공학부 기계공학 전공
  • 박성식 Sung-Seek Park. 탄소중립기술원
  • 전용한 Yong-Han Jeon. 상지대학교 소방공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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