

국가재난대응체제 개선방향에 관한 연구


Research on Directions for Improving the National Disaster Response System


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Extreme disasters, which have become commonplace due to climate change, reveal that the current national disaster response system is insufficient to effectively cope with these challenges. In this context, the necessity for “creative destruction” becomes apparent. This paper reviews the evolution of South Korea’s disaster response system and suggests directions for improvement based on five key issues identified within the current framework. First, Revising Laws and Regulations: To effectively respond to extreme disasters, it is essential to revise and amend relevant laws and regulations. This will enable a more flexible and rapid response. Second, Reassessing the Role of Disaster Response Agencies: It is necessary to clarify the functions and responsibilities of national disaster response agencies and strengthen the collaboration between various organizations. This will help establish an integrated and efficient response system. Third, Activating a Clear Command and Communication System: A straightforward and clear command and communication system should be established to ensure swift decision-making and response during disasters. Fourth, Strengthening Disaster Information Sharing and Cooperation: Enhancing the sharing of information and cooperation among diverse stakeholders will enable more effective disaster prevention and response. Lastly, Promoting Social Participation: It is crucial to involve not only the government and political parties but also the public, leveraging collective intelligence to formulate disaster response strategies. Despite successive governments repeatedly restructuring disaster management organizations, they have still failed to adequately ensure the safety of citizens. Achieving a safe and happy society requires redesigning and reinforcing the disaster response system. This calls for collaboration among the government, political parties, and the public, with meticulous strategies and strong implementation. Overcoming the risk society, as defined by sociologist Ulrich Beck, is certainly not a free undertaking.


오늘날 기후변화로 일상화된 극한 재난은 현 국가재난대응 개념과 체제로 대비대응하기엔 역부족일 수밖에 없어 창조적 파괴가 요구된다. 이런 차원에서 본고는 우리나라 재난대응체제 변화과정을 개관하고 현 체제에 서 도출된 5 가지 문제점에 대한 발전방향을 제시하였다. 먼저, 극한재난대응의 뒷받침을 위한 법·제도 제·개 정, 둘째, 국가재난대응기구의 역할 재조정, 셋째, 단순명료한 지휘통신체계 및 운영 활성화, 마지막으로 재난정보공유 협력체제 강화 등이다. 그간 역대 정부는 재난관리조직의 신설·축소·폐지·복원을 반복해 왔지 만 국민안전을 제대로 지켜내지 못했다. 안전하고 행복한 나라는 국가재난대응체제 재설계·정비 없이 불가능 하다. 정부, 여야 정치권 그리고 국민 집단지성이 융합하여 치밀한 전략과 강한 실천이 요구되는 과업이다. 독일 사회학자 울리히 벡(Ulrich Beck)이 규정한 위험사회 극복은 결코 공짜가 아니다.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 우리나라 재난대응체제 연혁
1. 태동기(1948∼1989)
2. 성장기(1990∼2010)
3. 확충 발전기(2011∼2020)
4. 전환기(2021∼ )
Ⅲ. 국가재난대응체계 현실태 분석
1. 법⋅제도
2. 국가재난대응기구 운영체계
3. 다원적 지휘통제와 유명무실 재난통신망
4. 허술한 재난정보수집⋅공유협력 시스템
5. 사회문화 등 재난대응 인프라 취약
Ⅳ. 재난대응체계 개선방향
1. 법⋅제도 개선
2. 재난대응기구 역할 조정과 운영 분권화 확대
3. 지휘통제체계 단순화 구축 및 운영 활성화
4. 재난정보 공유협력체제 강화
5. 재난대응 인프라 및 안전문화 확충
Ⅴ. 마무리


  • 정찬권 Chan Gwon, Jeong. Institue for National Security & Disaster Analysis Chairman


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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