

통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 체계 분석 및 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 모델 운영 방안 : 생태학적 관점과 법적 위계 중심으로


Analysis of the Integrated Case Management Supervision System and Operation Plan of the Integrated Case Management Supervision Model : Focusing on the Ecological Perspective and Legal Hierarchy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aimed to understand the institutional identity of integrated case management in Korea and to suggest an integrated case management supervision system with an integrated case management supervision model operation plan that could support integrated services throughout life in a delivery system where the responsibility for social care could be expanded due to the enactment of the Care Integration Support Act in 2024. To this end, the integrated case management supervision system supported by the state was analyzed. Literature, social welfare laws, and previous studies were also analyzed for the operation of the integrated supervision model. Results of this study showed that integrated case management, which brought about the reorganization of legislation and delivery systems, could comprehensively link and provide social security benefits supported by the social security agency and social services from the private sector according to Article 42-2 of the Social Security Benefits Act. Changes in the delivery system for the efficient operation of integrated case management supervision require data and evidence-based reflection and an integrated approach. Main areas of linkage included self-reliance case management introduced with the enforcement of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act in 2000, medical aid case management pursuant to the establishment of Article 5-2 of the Medical Aid Act in 2011, case management of families of disabled persons pursuant to Article 30-2 and case management of public-private cooperation pursuant to Article 32-7 of the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Act in 2017, case management for the protection of victimized children pursuant to Article 22-4 of the Child Welfare Act enacted in 2020, youth case management in the integrated support system for youth in the local community pursuant to Article 9 of the Youth Welfare Support Act, and case management that could link and provide social welfare services at social welfare centers with the establishment of Article 34-5 of the Social Welfare Services Act in 2021, expanding to a social service delivery system that could provide customized care for the elderly, case management for dementia patients, mental health case management, and integrated care. In this study, we analyzed the integrated case management supervision system with emphases on universalization and responsibility of social security benefits, social services, and social care. We also identified ecological and legal system properties and proposed an operation plan for the integrated case management supervision model as an integrated supervision model.


이 연구는 생애 전반의 통합적 휴먼서비스 제공을 위한 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 체계 분석 및 통합사례관리 수퍼 비젼 모델 운영 방안 모색을 목적으로 한다. 이에 통합사례관리제도의 정체성과 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 체계의 생 태학적·법적 속성 및 여러 국가에서 운영중인 통합 수퍼비젼 모델(integrated supervision model)을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 한국의 통합사례관리제도는 사회보장급여법에 의거 보장기관이 지원하는 사회보장급여와 민간부문의 서비스를 종합적으로 연계·제공하는 기제로 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼의 효율적 운영을 위하여 다양한 사례관리 전달 체계의 연계 및 증거 기반의 성찰과 통합적 접근을 필요로 한다. 주요 연계 부문은 국민기초생활보장법에 근거한 자활사례관리, 의료급여법상 의료급여사례관리, 장애인복지법상 장애인가족 사례관리와 민관협력 사례관리, 아동 복지법상 피해아동보호사례관리, 청소년복지지원법상 통합지원체계에서의 청소년사례관리, 사회복지사업법상 사회 복지관 사업으로 사회복지서비스를 연계·제공하는 사례관리, 정신건강사례관리, 노인맞춤돌봄, 치매환자사례관리 등 2024년 돌봄통합지원법 제정으로 사회적 돌봄이 강화되는 사회서비스 전달체계로 확장되고 있다. 이에 통합돌봄과 통합사례관리 전달체계를 관장하는 통합 수퍼비젼 모델로서 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 모델 운영 방안을 제시하였다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 운영 및 통합사례관리 전달체계의 연계
1. 통합사례관리의 제도적 정체성과 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 운영
2. 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼과 통합사례관리 전달체계의 연계
Ⅲ. 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 체계 분석
1. 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 체계의 생태학적 ‧ 법적 위계
2. 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 체계의 특성과 수퍼비젼 환경
Ⅳ. 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 모델 운영 방안
1. 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 모델의 운영
2. 통합사례관리 수퍼비젼 모델의 주요 과정
Ⅴ. 정책·실천을 위한 제언


  • 황미경 Hwang, Mee-Kyoung. 서울기독대학교 사회복지학과 교수


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