The article discusses the war between Sui empire and the kingdom of Koguryo in a detailed historical context and analyses its causes, consequences, and tactics adopted by both sides. With independent developments and expansions for more than four hundred years, Koguryo had formed a position to Central Plains as preponderant as Manchuria did afterwards in northeast Asia. The position is unfit to be contained into the Sino‐uncivilized tribute‐paying modes any longer. However, aiming to show Chinese ceremonies and music and to flaunt the idea of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting, like he had already done in the western territories, Sui Yang Di personally led three campaigns against Koguryo. His poor commanding and the unyielding resistance of Koguryons, who availed themselves of opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven and terrestrial advantages, forced his troops to retreat in complete defeat. Within the empire, these campaigns exhausted the fisc and imposed unbearable escuage and corvee to the population. Thus resulted numerous uprisings and rebellions, which finally overthrew the Sui Dynasty. Sui Yang Di himself has been perpetually reputed to be a despot as well.
Ⅰ. 东北亚地缘政治形势和高句丽与中原王朝的关系
Ⅱ. 高句丽谋求地区霸权及其与隋朝的政治冲突
Ⅲ. 隋炀帝夸示四夷耀武征辽大摆仪仗
Ⅳ. 御驾亲征第一次渡辽征讨及隋师溃败
Ⅴ. 扫地为兵第二次征讨及国内叛乱
Ⅵ. 恼羞成怒第三次征讨无功而还