

2010~2022년 세계 화재통계에 대한 분석 연구


Analysis of World Fire Statistics 2010-2022


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This shows the results of fire statistics analysis for 57 countries around the world, with a population of 900 million to 3.8 billion, from 1993 to 2022. In these countries, 2.4 million fires occurred, and 1.6 deaths occurred per 100,000 people. According to the 2022 global statistical analysis results, the average number of deaths due to fire per 100,000 people is 1.1, and looking at major advanced countries, Japan has 1.15, the United States 1.14, Korea 0.66, and the United Kingdom 0.51, indicating that Korea has a very high level of fire safety worldwide. It can be seen that fire prevention efforts through scientific fire statistics analysis have a very large positive impact and ripple effect on national safety, and I think this is a policy case that reminds us of the importance of fire statistics once again. The reduced risk of fire will have a positive impact not only on the people, but also on businesses and society as a whole. Through accurate investigations into fires that are becoming increasingly sophisticated, complex, and large-scale, we will eliminate insecurity in our society while ensuring safety and enhancing the competitiveness of our national industry by securing reliable technologies.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 필요성
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 본론
2.1 화재통계 분석
2.2 소방출동 통계분석
2.3 화재유형 분석
2.4 국가별 화재신고 분석
2.5 국가별 사망자 분석
3. 결론


  • 김효범 Hyo Beom Kim. 한국화재감식연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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