This study aims to produce nail art products by applying the unconscious elements of the psychological healing characteristics of Vladimir Kush's works to nail art design. As a research method, we reviewed Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which influenced surrealism, and previous research on Vladimir Kush, and analyzed the contents of the exhibition works. Through this, five works that applied unconscious characteristics among the artist's works were produced, only design points were extracted, three nail stencil plate designs were presented for each work, and nail stickers and nail tarot cards were produced. By developing product designs by applying the psychological healing characteristics of surrealist artists, which were not covered in previous research in the nail art field, we aim to contribute to the field of programs for design development as well as research in the field of nail art design.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 초현실주의의 개념 및 표현기법
2. 정신분석 이론의 영향
3. 블라디미르 쿠쉬 작품 분석
4. 초현실주의와 블라디미르 쿠쉬 작품의 심리적 치유특성
III. 연구 방법
1. 연구 내용
2. 연구 대상
3. 연구 방법
4. 네일아트 디자인 개발 및 작품 제작 방법
IV. 블라디미르 쿠쉬 작품의 심리적 특성중 무의식적 요소를 응용한 네일 디자인 연구
1. 디자인 모티브
2. 무의식적 요소를 응용한 네일작품 제작
V. 심리적 치유 특성을 응용한 네일상품 제작
1. 네일 스텐실 플레이트 디자인 제시
2. 젤 스트립 제작
3. 네일 타로카드 제작
VI. 결론