Network Analysis of Research Methodology in Korean Translation Studies : Focusing on the Relationship with Research Topics.
The paper is a meta-analysis on the research methodologies employed in studies published in major Korean journals of translation and interpreting (T&I) studies over a period of five years, from 2019 to 2023. These methodologies are organized systematically, and the relationship between research methodologies and research topics is explored using keyword network analysis. To this end, 508 published papers across three T&I journals were analyzed in terms of research topics and research methodology. The data were analyzed using Ucinet 6 and Netdraw. According to the analysis of 508 papers, text analysis (TA+LA) was used the most (36.42%), followed by document research (14.96%) and mixed research (12.4%). To explore the relationship between research methodologies and research topics, we measured centrality and the strength of connections. The results showed that ‘text analysis (TA)’ was strongly linked with ‘translation strategies’ and ‘literary translation’, while ‘mixed research’ was closely associated with ‘note-taking’ and ‘interpreter education’. Additionally, ‘document research’ and ‘questionnaire surveys’ demonstrated strong connections with ‘consecutive interpretation’.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 번역학계 메타연구
2.2. 번역학계 네트워크 분석
3. 분류 체계와 분석 절차
3.1. 연구방법 분류 체계
3.2. 네트워크 분석 절차
4. 분석과 논의
4.1. 분야별 연구방법 분류
4.2. 분야별 네트워크 분석
4.2.1 통역 분야 네트워크 분석
4.2.2 번역 분야 네트워크 분석
4.2.3 통번역 분야 네트워크 분석
5. 결론