

내분비계 장애물질 노출 저감화 교육 프로그램이 간호대학생의 내분비계 장애물질 지식, 행동, 월경곤란증에 미치는 효과


The Effects of an Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Exposure Reduction Education Program on the Knowledge of Endocrine Disruptors and Behavior, Experience of Dysmenorrhea in Nursing Students

이현예, 하영미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: The study was aimed to examine the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure reduction education program on the knowledge of endocrine disruptors and behavior, experience of dysmenorrhea in nursing students. Methods: The study design was nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest experimental design with repeated measurement. Participants included 26 female sophomore nursing students divided into an experimental group and a control group of 13 persons, respectively. The experimental group received an education program using a flipped learning aimed at reducing exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, provided twice a week for 85-minute-session each, totaling 4 sessions (340 minutes). The control group was required to remotely watch videos twice a week for 25-minute-session each, totaling 4 sessions (100 minutes). Results: The findings showed that the knowledge of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the experimental group improved before the education, after the education, and 2 weeks after the education, with significant differences between time points (F=2.17, p=.003). The endocrine disrupting chemicals reduction behaviors in the experimental group also improved before the education, after the education, and 2 weeks after the education, with significant differences between time points (F=4.28, p<.001). Experience of dysmenorrhea showed a decreasing trend before the education, after the education, and 2 weeks after the education, but there were no significant differences between time points (F=0.58, p=.452). Conclusion: As exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals due to environmental pollution increases, it is necessary to implement education programs aimed at reducing exposure to these substances among nursing students through college-level curriculum, particularly to protect the reproductive health of female college students and enhance their wellness.


1. 연구의 필요성
1. 연구설계
2. 연구대상
3. 연구도구
4. 내분비계장애물질 노출 저감화 교육 프로그램 개발
5. 자료수집
6. 윤리적 고려
7. 자료분석
1. 대상자의 일반적 특성
2. 종속변수에 대한 사전 동질성 검정
3. 내분비계 장애물질 노출 저감화 교육 프로그램의 효과


  • 이현예 Hyun-Ye Lee. 청암대학교 간호학과 조교수
  • 하영미 Yeongmi Ha. 경상국립대학교 간호대학 ‧ 지속가능건강연구소 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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