

Original Article

The effect of kinesio taping on joint range of motion and balance in total knee replacement patients


Seung-heon Song, Su-Kyoung Lee, Su-Hong Ahn

한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.20 No.4 2024.08 pp.131-136
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We adopted a within-subjects quasi-experimental approach to assess the impact of kinesio taping (KT) on joint range of motion (ROM), static balance, and dynamic balance. The research subjects were 15 patients who had, within the previous 3 weeks, undergone total knee replace-ment (TKR) by an orthopedic surgeon in 2022. We measured the ROM, static balance, and dynamic balance of the knee joint before and after applying KT. We then compared the pre- and post-tape measurements to assess the effects of KT on joint function and balance. The ROM of the knee joint was measured using a goniometer in the supine position before the KT application. The static and dynamic balance were as-sessed using a balance assessment device by measuring the sway area and length of the center of gravity during the measurement period. The effects of KT on the ROM and static and dynamic balance of the knee joint were investigated. The differences in joint ROM and static and dynamic balance between pre- and post-KT applications were an-alyzed using a paired-sample t-test. This study found that the ROM of the knee joint was significantly increased after applying KT. For static and dynamic balance, both the sway area and length of the center of gravity decreased after applying KT, indicating a significant improve-ment in static and dynamic balance. KT, when combined with standard physiotherapy, can be a useful therapeutic approach for TKR patients, effectively enhancing joint ROM and balance function.


Application procedure of KT
Knee joint range of motion
Static and dynamic balance
Measurement method
Data analysis
General characteristics of the research subjects
Knee joint ROM before and after KT
Static balance before and after KT
Dynamic balance before and after KT


  • Seung-heon Song Department of Physical Therapy, Dong-Eui Hospital, Busan, Korea
  • Su-Kyoung Lee Department of Physical Therapy, College of Nursing and Healthcare Science, Dong-Eui University, Busan, Korea
  • Su-Hong Ahn Inmotion Rehabilitation Training Center, Busan, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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