

통번역 학습자를 위한 기술 교육 사례 연구


Technology training for students of translation and interpreting : A case study of a postgraduate technology course in Korea.

최문선, 이주리애

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper presents the design and implementation of a technology training course for postgraduate students of translation and interpretation. The course aimed to lower both psychological and practical barriers to technology by providing students with hands-on experience with various technological tools that can aid translation and interpretation. The course enrolled 28 students specializing in Korean-English, Korean-Japanese, and Korean-Chinese translation and interpretation. Given its focus on technology education, the course covered both general and T&I-specific technologies. Students explored and utilized a range of software, including tools for building specialized glossaries, generative AI, speech recognition, subtitle generation, and computer-assisted interpretation and translation. The course was co-taught by two instructors and employed a mixed format, combining online sessions with individual learning activities and in-person practical classes, following a flipped learning model. In the final week, students applied the theoretical and procedural knowledge they had acquired throughout the semester to translation or interpretation tasks of their choice and submitted reflective practice reports as their final assignments. Survey results indicated a high level of student satisfaction. This was attributed to the ample practice opportunities, exposure to diverse technologies, the flipped learning format, and the instructional methods that integrated technology into the workflow of translation and interpretation.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 선행 연구
1. 통번역 능력과 기술
2. 통번역 교육의 기술 도입
3. 통번역 기술 수업 방식
III. 통번역 기술 수업 사례
1. 수업 설계
2. 수업 활동
IV. 수업 결과 분석
1. 응답자 특성
2. 응답 분석
3. 응답 결과 논의
V. 나가는 말


  • 최문선 Choi, Moonsun. 이화여자대학교 부교수
  • 이주리애 Lee, Juriae. 이화여자대학교 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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