

Session_4 (좌장: 라남용 박사, ㈜라나에코컨설턴트)

Developing Environmental DNA Marker and Monitoring Application for the Loggerhead Turtle, Green Turtle, and Chinese Sea Snake in Korean Waters


붉은바다거북, 푸른바다거북, 넓은띠큰바다뱀의 환경유전자 마커 개발 및 한국 해역에서 모니터링 적용

Jaejin Park, Il-Hoon Kim, Min-Woo Park, Il-Kook Park, Jongsun Kim, Daesik Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korea is located at the edge of the distribution range of most marine reptiles, so the population density is very low across species. In addition, there are no nesting sites, making the application of various research methods limited and inefficient. To overcome these limitations, we have developed environmental DNA (eDNA) markers for the three most common marine reptiles in Korea (loggerhead turtle, green turtle, and Chinese sea snake), and performed pilot monitoring. The development of species-specific markers was sequentially conducted through program-based marker development and various validation processes using tissue DNA, aquarium eDNA, and foreign marine eDNA. The developed markers were applied for monitoring at 10 (loggerhead turtles), 17 (green turtles) and 10 (Chinese sea snake) sites in the Korea. The three sets of species-specific eDNA markers (Crcr29, Chmy11, Lase_cytb_10) were successfully developed and verified. In the monitoring application of loggerhead turtle marker in 2023, eDNA was detected from two sites in Jeju. Green turtle eDNA was detected from seven sites. . The Chinese sea snake eDNA was detected from six sites and the detection frequency was the highest in November. Considering that monitoring of Korean marine reptiles has been conducted only through passive methods (i.e. sampling bycatch, stranded, or dead individuals) to date, our developed eDNA markers and monitoring methods provide active study methods and can be a very useful in future survey and related research of marine reptiles.


  • Jaejin Park 박재진. The Herpetology Laboratory of Kangwon National University
  • Il-Hoon Kim 김일훈. Department of Ecology and Conservation, National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea
  • Min-Woo Park 박민우. The Herpetology Laboratory of Kangwon National University
  • Il-Kook Park 박일국. Department of Ecology and Conservation, National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea
  • Jongsun Kim 김종선. The Herpetology Laboratory of Kangwon National University
  • Daesik Park 박대식. The Herpetology Laboratory of Kangwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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